It's free! Latest release:AutoUp 1.21 (52K - Windows) - What's new?
AutoUp 1.21 (21K - Source Code)
What is AutoUp?
AutoUp is a console utility that lets you set and query various startup-related Windows features:
- Display the running services list.
- Display the status of a particular service.
- Wait a given amount of time for a particular service to start.
- Add and Remove applications to be run by Windows at machine startup.
- Add and Remove applications to be run by Windows when the current user logs in.
- Set a NT/2000/XP user to log on automatically when Windows starts, bypassing the logon (Welcome) screen.
- Connect and Disconnect from the Internet using the default Internet connection (Dialup or VPN).
- Automatically connect to the Internet using the default Internet connection (Dialup or VPN) at Windows startup.
- And more!
AutoUp is useful mainly for administrators and advanced Windows users, for manually changing startup settings or for use in startup batch files.
How does it look?

Installation Notes
AutoUp is a standalone console (command-line) application, and requires no installation. Run AutoUp with no parameters from the command line for usage and options list.What's New?
In version 1.21:
- Fixed Internet connection options when used with -t 0 option - waits indefinitely as it should.
In version 1.2:
- Added Internet connection options - connect and disconnect default Internet connection. This is very useful for having a computer automatically connect to the Internet at startup (after a reboot).
Copyright (c) 1999-2024 by Amichai Rothman. All Rights Reserved.This Software is Freeware.
You may make copies, install and run it free of charge.
You may redistribute it to others, complete and unmodified from its original binary form, as long as you do so free of charge as well.
For non-commercial use only.
If you find this software useful please help support it by contributing a donation!
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You can contact the author via e-mail at:Please write in with any bugs, suggestions, fixes, contributions, or just to drop a good word and let me know you've found AutoUp useful and you'd like it to keep being maintained.
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