


Where do I begin?

First, go over the JLHTTP project page to get a feel for what JLHTTP is, what it can be used for and where to download it.

If you're a hands-on kinda person, you can start playing around with it right away, and follow the code and/or javadocs wherever they may lead you.

If you prefer doing your research first, or want to slack off at work a bit longer, continue reading this FAQ.

How is JLHTTP different from other lightweight servers?

There are two main types of lightweight HTTP servers we've come across:

  • Servers that are not all that lightweight. Some such servers boast "lightweight" 1MB binaries - that's an entirely different scale than the one we're talking about. We prefer putting the emphasis on 'light' rather than on 'weight'.
  • Servers that aren't actually HTTP servers, since they don't even try to comply with the HTTP spec. These are basically glorified ServerSocket examples.

JLHTTP strives to be as lightweight as possible while still being a true HTTP server.

How lightweight is it?

The standard jar is ~60K.

60K? That's huge! Can we do better?

In many use cases (integration tests, embedding in large applications etc.) it won't matter much so you can just use the standard jar - it's the same code, just in a slightly larger jar file. But if you want something smaller, the stripped jar is for you. It compiles the code without any debug info and strips the jar of non-essential content such as the license file, and uses a stronger compression utility (pack200, included with the JDK up to JDK 14).

You can build it using the -Dstripped maven option.

The stripped jar is ~40K.

40K? That's huge! Can we do better?

Although size is a primary concern, we do also care about readability, design, compliance, a usable API, and practical real-world functionality. So we made some sacrifices. The good news is, if you're really tight for space you can tweak the trade-off yourself and reduce the size further by ripping out the parts you don't need!

For example, if you don't need file uploads, remove the multipart stuff. You can add contexts explicitly and delete the annotation-handling code. For embedded-only uses, you can drop the main method. If you're only implementing dynamic content or a REST API, perhaps you can do away with all the file-related functionality, or at least the directory index generating code. You can remove mapped content types you don't need, and .mime.types file support. If you remove all of the above, you can get the jar size down to ~25K.

You can also run an obfuscator - renaming classes and methods to one-letter names can reduce the jar size some more without much effort.

Finally, there is picky byte-counting for the truly obsessive... you may further reduce the compiled bytecode size by deleting exception error message strings, in-lining accessors and other simple methods, reducing imports per class, refactoring code to be more compact (though less readable), reusing variables and variable names, reordering local variables to utilize the local variable slots differently, etc. You can trim off a bit more fat with all of these, though this involves greater effort and diminishing returns and hurts the maintainability and elegance of the code. On the bright side, you might learn a thing or two about bytecode optimization along the way!

Let us know if you find any other optimization tricks!

How lightweight are the minimum system requirements?

We don't know what the absolute minimum is. If your system can run a JVM, it should be able to run JLHTTP. We know it's been used on an Arduino Yún using JamVM and GNU Classpath, for example, which has about 32M of total userspace RAM. It can certainly run on any Raspberry Pi without even a dent in memory usage. If you have an interesting configuration, do tell!

For what it's worth, on an Oracle 64-bit Linux Java 8 JVM it can run with -Xms1m -Xmx1m (although the Xmx docs say the minimum value is 2M, and the JVM itself still takes up many MB of non-heap memory), but a small-footprint JVM would be more appropriate in that territory anyway.

If in doubt - just give it a try! (and let us know!)

Is it fast?

Given that our primary goal is remaining lightweight, and that sometimes means forgoing optimizations that would add complexity and size, performance is still pretty darn good. It turns out that keeping things small also means minimal processing overhead, so latency is really low.

But a better question would be whether it suits your requirements: since JLHTTP can run on an IP camera taking still photos, a smartphone accessed by another smartphone, a laptop serving files from a spinning disk or an enterprise-grade server providing a complex database-backed REST API... there's no one-size-fits-all answer.

So the best answer would be: benchmark it yourself according to your specific environment and requirements.

How about an actual benchmark?

Ok, fine. We ran the benchmarks on a single host, with half the cores dedicated to JLHTTP and half dedicated to the load-testing tool (wrk). Using this setup we only measure the server itself, without external network latency. We did not tweak the OS in any way, nor did we hand-pick the best results. It looks something like this (in two different terminals):

taskset -c 0-3 java -jar jlhttp-2.2.jar /tmp/benchfiles 9000
taskset -c 4-7 wrk -t 4 -c 16 -d 60s --latency http://localhost:9000/resource
Resource Requests/sec (sustained) Avg. Latency 99% Latency
Quad-core i7-4771, 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu 14.04), Oracle JDK 8, JLHTTP 2.2 on 2 cores (4 hyper-threads)
Minimal "Hello, World!" in-memory response 297K 147µs 3.23ms
Dynamically formatted current time 218K 188µs 4.28ms
2.4K file (SSD) 116K 1.72ms 43.76ms
16K file (SSD) 72K 1.20ms 34.15ms
96K file (SSD) 25K 1.45ms 21.56ms
2.8M file (SSD) 1118 14.41ms 34.38ms
404 error page 170K 245µs 5.65ms
12-core i7-12700K, 64-bit Linux (Ubuntu 22.04), OpenJDK 11, JLHTTP 3.0 on 4 cores (8 hyper-threads)
Minimal "Hello, World!" in-memory response 996K 19µs 36µs
Dynamically formatted current time 853K 27µs 194µs
2.4K file (SSD) 435K 77µs 190µs
16K file (SSD) 258K 64µs 112µs
96K file (SSD) 79K 201µs 264µs
2.8M file (SSD) 3144 5.11ms 7.74ms
404 error page 618K 35µs 105µs

The usual benchmarking disclaimers apply. Our main takeaway is that the server's performance is unlikely to be your bottleneck. YMMV.

How fast is the server startup?

To check this, we wrote a small timing benchmark that initializes a server instance, starts it, opens a client socket to it, requests a trivial (in-memory) resource and reads the response, stops the server, shuts down its Executor threads and closes the client socket. That's not only initialization, but the entire lifecycle overhead, plus actual access of the server.

On a quad-core i7-4771 desktop running Oracle JDK 8 on 64-bit Linux with an SSD, this takes around 100 milliseconds, including starting and shutting down the JVM itself. Excluding the JVM initialization time, it takes around 25-30 milliseconds on the first run, and around 1 millisecond on subsequent benchmark cycles within the same JVM.

This means the great majority of this time goes towards initial JVM initialization and class loading the first time the server is used, which is normally incurred by any Java application, but the net runtime is very fast.

Importantly, for use in e.g. unit or integration tests, you could set up and tear down server instances within the test JVM tens or hundreds of times, once or more per test, with a negligible 1 millisecond overhead each and only a minuscule effect on the total running time.

There are no more excuses for not testing your HTTP client code properly!

Is it compliant with RFC 2616? RFC 7230? RFC 9112?

JLHTTP originally implemented all functionality required by RFC 2616 ("Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1"), as well as some of the optional functionality. This is termed "conditionally compliant" in the RFC.

Then RFC 2616 was rewritten and split into RFCs 7230-7235 which supersede it. Strangely, the new RFCs define the same protocol version as the old RFC, and although most changes are clarifications and editorial changes, there are some places where the two RFCs do contradict each other. This means that in theory, two implementations might both support the same protocol version, yet still be in conflict!

That wasn't enough, so the RFCs were then rewritten once more and recombined as RFC 9110 ("HTTP Semantics") and RFC 9112 ("HTTP/1.1"), again clarifying and/or changing the protocol requirements while maintaining the same version number.

As of version 3.0, JLHTTP was updated to comply with RFC 9110 and RFC 9112. This includes some changes in the implementation details, as well as updated references to the newer RFCs in the documentation and comments.

In practice, you will likely never notice the difference. If you find any violations of the RFCs in the server's implementation, please report the issue so we can fix it.

Which charset is used to encode/decode data?

Anywhere the RFC specifies which charset to use, we use it. Anywhere the RFC allows a charset to be specified as part of the protocol metadata, we use the specified charset (if available). Everywhere else we use UTF-8.

Basic Usage

How do I run a standalone server to serve files from disk?

Once you have the jar file, run the following command in a terminal:

java -jar jlhttp-3.0.jar <directory> [port]

where directory is the root directory that will be served by the web server (along with everything underneath it, recursively), and port is the port on which the server will accept client connections.

If omitted, the default port 80 will be used. Note that ports in the range 1-1024 may require running the server with root privileges on some systems.

If both parameters are omitted, a short usage reminder will be printed out.

If the JLHTTP jar file is not in the current directory, you'll need to specify its fully qualified path.

If you need to access the server remotely, make sure your firewall is properly configured to allow access to the port.

So for example, your command might be

java -jar /opt/jlhttp/jlhttp-3.0.jar /var/www 9000

At this point you should be able to point your browser at http://localhost:9000/ and see the index of the directory /var/www, from which you can browse the files.

You can stop the server by pressing Ctrl-C or its equivalent.

How do I embed JLHTTP in my own application?

First of all, you need to add it to your project. You can either -

  • add it to your maven (or equivalent) build script to be downloaded automatically from Maven Central
  • or, you can take the pre-built standard jar from the distribution zip file
  • or, you can build the standard or stripped jar from the sources in the zip file yourself
  • or, you can just copy the single source file from the zip file into your project alongside your own sources
After I add it to my project, how do I use it?

At the very least, you need to add code to start the server:

int port = 9000;
HTTPServer server = new HTTPServer(port);

And later stop it:


Where you insert the code depends on your application, of course.

Now run your application, and you should be able to point your browser at http://localhost:9000 and get a 404 Not Found page.

Why 404? Where's my content?

You need to add it! In order to do that, you need to add at least one context handler to the virtual host for your domain (or the default virtual host).

What is a virtual host?

A single HTTP server can serve content for multiple domains. For example, you might have,, and all configured via DNS to point to the same IP address, where one server will serve them all.

In this case, you might configure 3 different virtual hosts: one named with an alias of to serve the html, javascript, css and images for the website, a second virtual host named which will provide a REST API, and a third one named for your unrelated pet project website.

Every server also has a default virtual host, which is used as fallback when a request is made for a domain name that doesn't have an explicitly configured virtual host.

How do I add a virtual host?

The default virtual host exists by default, and suffices in most cases. You can get it like so:

VirtualHost host = server.getVirtualHost(null);  // default virtual host

If, however, you need to add additional virtual hosts, you can do so easily:

VirtualHost wwwHost = new VirtualHost("");
wwwHost.addAlias(""); // if it has aliases

and you can later retrieve them if necessary:

VirtualHost wwwHost = server.getVirtualHost(""); // or ""
VirtualHost defaultHost = server.getVirtualHost(null); // default always exists

Once you have a virtual host instance, you can configure it, add context handlers to it, etc.

Note that all virtual host configuration must be performed before the server is started.

What is a context handler?

Every HTTP request specifies the path of the resource that is being requested. For example, "/" is the root path, and "/images/new/background.png" is the path of some image resource. The paths are organized hierarchically, like in a file system.

Each path has a handler associated with it, which is simply a method that is invoked when that path is requested, and is responsible for processing the request and sending the appropriate response, for example updating a database record or sending the content of a file back to the client.

Obviously, configuring a separate handler for every single resource is not very practical, so instead, we group them into contexts - a context is basically a group of paths which share a single handler method. Importantly, we associate a unique base path with each context, and sometimes interchangeably call the base path itself "the context".

So, how do we determine which context should handle a request? The matching of request paths to their context handlers depends on the version of JLHTTP you're using.

How are contexts matched prior to version 3.0?

When given a requested path, we check if there is a context associated with it. If not, we check if its parent path has an associated context. If not, we check the parent's parent. And so we go up the hierarchy of paths looking for one with an associated context, and the first one we encounter is used to handle the request. If we get all the way up to the root path, and there is no context handler associated with the root path either, then we give up and return a 404 Not Found error.

For example, when a request is made for the image path "/images/new/background.png", we'll check if there is a context associated with each of the paths "/images/new/background.png", "/images/new", "/images" and "/", in that order, and use the first one we find, or give up if none of them have a context.

In other words, all contexts are recursive and are matched to their base path and all sub-paths under their base path.

How are contexts matched as of version 3.0?

With the introduction of path parameter support, the context matching algorithm has changed as well. Most importantly, context paths are no longer recursive by default. If such recursive matching is desired, you must explicitly specify a wildcard path parameter at the end of the context path.

Further, request paths are not simply checked for equality against the context paths as before. While the literal parts of a context path are still matched char-for-char, if there are path parameters or wildcard parameters specified in the context path they can match nearly any characters in the respective part of the request path. Read up on path parameters for details.

How do I implement a context handler?

A context handler is just a method that receives a Request and Response and returns an integer. The request instance provides all the request details - HTTP method, path, headers and body, as well as some helper methods to get request parameters etc. The handler inspects the relevant request details and decides how to respond.

The given response instance is used to send back the response, by setting the response headers and body (if relevant). Here too there are several convenience methods available, such as for sending commonly used and mandatory headers, for sending a stock error response, an error response with a custom message, a response body from a string, a response body from a stream (including proper range handling), a redirect response, etc.

Rather than repeating the entire request/response API here, you can just read their javadocs for details - they are pretty straightforward.

The context handler returns an integer which makes returning stock responses (not found, forbidden, server processing error, default success response, etc.) as easy as possible - by simply returning the appropriate HTTP status code. If the handler already sent (not just set) any headers, or any body content, it should return zero to prevent further processing.

Context handlers must be thread-safe, since they may be invoked concurrently to handle requests from multiple connections on different threads.

Don't forget to add your context handler to the virtual host.

How do I add a context handler?

Either by defining an inline anonymous class and adding it immediately:

host.addContext("/hello", new ContextHandler() {
    public int serve(Request req, Response resp) throws IOException {
        resp.getHeaders().add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        resp.send(200, "Hello, World!");
        return 0;

or using a lambda function (on Java 8 or later):

host.addContext("/hello", (req, resp) -> {
    resp.getHeaders().add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
    resp.send(200, "Hello, World!");
    return 0;

or by defining a named class:

class HelloContextHandler implements ContextHandler {
    public int serve(Request req, Response resp) throws IOException {
        resp.getHeaders().add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        resp.send(200, "Hello, World!");
        return 0;

and adding it in your initialization code:

host.addContext("/hello", new HelloContextHandler());

or by adding the @Context annotation to a method with the proper signature:

class MyHandlers {
    public int serveHello(Request req, Response resp) throws IOException {
        resp.getHeaders().add("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        resp.send(200, "Hello, World!");
        return 0;

and adding all annotated context handlers in the class at once:

host.addContexts(new MyHandlers()); // adds all annotated context handlers
How do I add a context handler that serves files from disk?

Use the built-in FileContextHandler class, which takes a base directory and serves it at the path of your choosing. To make the context recursive, the path must contain a wildcard path parameter named "*". For example:

host.addContext("/files/{*}", new FileContextHandler("/var/www/public_files"));

will serve the contents of the /var/www/public_files folder (and everything under it, recursively) when requests are made under the /files/ path. So a request for the /files/docs/readme.txt path will return the contents of the file /var/www/public_files/docs/readme.txt (if it exists).

Note the difference between "/files/{*}" (the slash is required) and "/files{*}" (anything starting with /files, with or without the trailing slash).

Why can't I see the directory index page?

For security reasons (potential leak of information about the existence and metadata of files), the generated directory index page is disabled by default, and accessing a directory path results in a 403 Forbidden response. You can easily enable this feature:

Why does the directory index page look rather quaint?

The generated index page design is based on the classic Apache server non-fancy index page, sans the icons (which are too bulky for our needs). It gets the job done with very little code. Feel free to spice it up.

Advanced Usage

How do I process POST requests and other HTTP methods/verbs?

When you add a context handler, it handles only GET requests by default. The addContext method accepts an optional additional parameter which specifies one or more HTTP methods which the context handler can handle:

host.addContext("/readme", myGetHandler); // handles GET requests
host.addContext("/readme2", myOtherGetHandler, "GET"); // handles GET requests
host.addContext("/upload", myPostHandler, "POST"); // handles POST requests
host.addContext("/form", mySmartHandler, "GET", "POST"); // handles GET and POST requests

The @Context annotation similarly accepts an optional methods parameter:

@Context(value="/form", methods={"GET", "POST"})

If a context handler supports more than one method, it is responsible for checking the method of each request it receives and processing it differently if necessary.

In addition, there is built-in support for the HEAD, OPTIONS and TRACE methods, as required by the RFC.

How do I handle GET query strings and POST form fields?

An HTML form can be submitted using either the GET method or the POST method, as determined by the <form> element's method attribute (GET is the default if unspecified).

Forms submitted via the GET method encode the name-value paris in the URL's query string. Often, ordinary links (unrelated to forms) also contain additional name-value parameters in the target URL's query string, in the same format as a form's GET request.

Forms submitted via the POST method encode the name-value pairs in the request body using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type by default.

You can get both types of parameters, as a name-value map, in the same way:

Map<String, String> params = request.getParams();

This map combines the query string parameters from the URL and the encoded parameters from the body (if any), along with the path parameters, and is the most convenient way to get them in most cases.

Technically, the parameter names need not be unique, so duplicate-named parameters might get lost using this simple map. For those rare cases, you can get the parameters as an ordered list of name-value pairs instead:

List<String[]> paramsList = request.getParamsList();

All strings are decoded using the UTF-8 charset.

How do I use path parameters?

Path parameters allow a context handler to group together multiple request paths that follow the same pattern. Path parameters are denoted by surrounding the parameter names with curly braces. For example, the context path


contains two path parameters, one named userId and one named pet. Thus, it will match any of the following request paths:


and the parameter values can be retrieved just like query parameters:

String id = request.getParameters().get("userId"); // "123"
String pet = request.getParameters().get("name"); // "bruno"
How do path parameters actually work?

Path parameter are matched using an equivalent of the reluctant regex ([^/]+?), i.e. a minimal number of any characters (but at least one) up to the next slash or end of the path.

Within a single segment (between slashes) it can be combined with literal text or with other parameters:

"/users/{username}" // matches "/users/zorro-vega" or "/users/zorro"
"/users/{firstName}-{lastName}" // matches "/users/zorro-vega" but not "/users/zorrovega"
"/users/id{idNumber}" // matches "/users/id123456" but not "/users/if123456"

If multiple contexts are matched for a given request path, they are ranked by the number of literal characters (primary) and the number of parameters (secondary). For example, the path /users/zorro-vega matches all of the following contexts, and the top-ranked one will be chosen:

"/users/{firstName}-{lastName}" // 8 literals, 2 params - top rank
"/users/z{id}" // 8 literals, 1 param - middle rank
"/users/{username}" // 7 literals, 1 param - bottom rank

However, if you regularly have multiple contexts matched for the same request, perhaps you should consider redesigning your url scheme to make it less ambiguous.

How do I make a context recursive?

In some cases, you may want a context to match not only a given path, but also the entire path subtree below it. For example, if you want to serve all files and directories recursively under a base directory.

Prior to version 3.0, all context paths were recursive. From version 3.0 onwards, recursive matching must be specified explicitly using wildcard path parameters. Note that regular path parameters won't help here since their matching will stop at the first occurrence of a slash.

A wildcard parameter is a path parameter whose name starts with an asterisk. It matches zero or more characters (including slashes), equivalent to the regex (.*?). For example:

"/downloads/{*}" // matches everything after the trailing slash (but not "/downloads" itself)
"/downloads{*}" // matches everything after "/downloads", including "/downloads" itself
"/downloads{*filePath}" // exactly the same, but with a more descriptive parameter name
"/{*path}" // matches everything (the parameter value excludes the initial slash)
"/users/{userId}/files/{*filename}" // can be combined with regular path parameters as well
How do I handle uploaded files?

When an HTML form is used to upload a file or other large content, the default application/x-www-form-urlencoded encoding is insufficient. In this case, the form is submitted as a multipart body of a POST request with the multipart/form-data content type instead. The parts are sent in the same order as the form fields.

You can use a MultipartIterator to parse the request body and iterate over its parts. String values can be conveniently retrieved as such, but the file can be read directly as a stream, thus preventing various issues that would arise from holding the entire file contents in memory at once.

Here's a basic example:

String comment;
String filename;
File file;
Iterator<Part> it = new MultipartIterator(request);
while (it.hasNext()) {
    Part part =;
    if ("comment".equals(part.getName())) {
        comment = part.getString()
    } else if ("file".equals(part.getName())) {
        filename = part.getFilename();
        file = File.createTempFile(filename, ".uploaded");
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
        try {
            transfer(part.getBody(), out, -1);
        } finally {
// now do something with the comment, filename and file

Alternatively, you can use the lower-level MultipartInputStream directly.

How do I use SSL/TLS/HTTPS?

First you need to generate a key and store it in a keystore. You can use Java's keytool utility for that. There are plenty of tutorials on doing this.

Next, you need to set a SSLServerSocketFactory. You can obtain the default JSSE implementation by calling SSLServerSocketFactory.getDefault():


This default implementation is configured using system properties such as and In fact, if you run JLHTTP from the command line and specify these properties, JLHTTP will use the default SSLServerSocketFactory automatically:

java \ \
     -jar jlhttp-3.0.jar /var/www 9000

Note that system properties specified with -D must come before the executable jar or classname on the command line. You can specify any additional SSL system properties supported by JSSE.

Alternatively, rather than using the default, you can create and configure a custom SSLContext programmatically and use it to create your own SSLServerSocketFactory. For example:

char[] password = "mypassword".toCharArray();
KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("jks");
ks.load(new FileInputStream("/path/to/myKeystore.jks"), password);
KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
kmf.init(ks, password);
SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
sslContext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null);

For additional details, see the JSSE Reference Guide.

How many threads does the server use?

One thread accepts all new client connections, and immediately passes them on to an Executor for further handling, requiring one thread per concurrently handled connection.

By default, a cached thread pool executor is used, which spawns new threads if none are available, reuses existing idle threads from the pool if they are available, and closes threads that are idle for a minute.

If you want better control over the threads, such as leaving some idle threads lying around (lower initial latency for low throughput loads) or limiting the maximum number of threads (for better resource management under high load), you can create your own custom Executor (or use one from the standard Executors factory class) for the server to use:


Note that if you set your own Executor, you are also responsible for shutting it down and disposing of its resources after you shut down the server.

We currently do not support NIO, async processing or multiple concurrent connections per thread, in order to keep the code simple, and more importantly, small and quick.


Can you add ${feature}?

There is a long list of features we've considered adding: JSON serialization, basic/digest authentication, a cookie API, server sessions, NIO async socket handling, file caching, logging, serving jar resources, various not-so-pretty optimizations, and many more. All of them will prove useful in some use cases, and are technically not that difficult to implement.

However, they all come at the cost of size and complexity, and this project's primary goal is to remain as lightweight as possible while still being generally useful. Deciding when to make the trade-off is a tough call.

Please let us know which existing and new features you would find most useful. With enough user demand, we may tip the scale in favor of adding some of the features after all (or removing them).

Why not a catchier name?

JLHTTP is descriptive and to the point, as the server aims to be. But once you get to know it better, you may start pronouncing it Jelly.

Are these questions really asked frequently?

Not really, no. We made up most of them.

Who is "We"?

...the royal "we", you know, the editorial... - J. Lebowski

What if I still have questions?

Contact us. This FAQ will be updated with good questions and clarifications.